
Charlotte Mason Exams

“The terminal examinations are of great importance. They are not merely and chiefly tests of knowledge, but records which are likely to be permanent.” – Charlotte Mason

Charlotte Mason discourages a focus on traditional quizzes, worksheets, and tests. Instead, she encourages a focus on regular narration and end-of-term exams.

If students are regularly narrating what they read and learn, they will have a solid foundation in their education. 

The purpose of exams is to draw out what the students have learned throughout the term. When done properly, students will look forward to exams! An entire week at the end of each 12 week term is dedicated to exams in each area of the educational feast. 

Students can do an oral or written exam, depending on your goals and expectations for your student. Record oral responses on a video or a voice memo. Save written responses in a narration journal or digital responses in a file on your computer. They will become a keepsake of things your students have learned along their educational journey! 

Discover the joy of including exams in your homeschool!