High School

Four Square is a Christian community that meets on Mondays and Wednesdays for two 12 week terms in Byron Center, MI. It is a drop-off program and parents are not required to volunteer. We welcome and encourage your student to join us for high school chapel at 8:45am.

We offer a wide variety of 60 and 90 minute a la carte graded classes to choose from between 8:30am-2pm. Four Square has a robust high school community and many students take multiple classes over the course of one or two days. There are volunteer opportunities or a study/social hall option for students with a break between classes. 

Four Square High School is inspired by Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy. She held students in the highest esteem and emphasized the value of living literature, hands-on learning, nature study, good habits, and the strong faith of a student.

We have several special high school events throughout the year including: 

  • Barn Dance, Bonfire & Hayride
  • Spring Formal Banquet
  • High School Play
  • College & Career Fair
  • Formal High School Graduation Ceremony

"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education."

Charlotte Mason


monday Enrichment

The enrollment rate of $250/class includes 24 weeks of 1 hour classes. The enrollment rate of $350/class includes 24 weeks of 1.5 hour classes. 


Worship Arts
taught by TBD


Students will be part of a worship team. In addition to worshipping together, they will have opportunities throughout the year to lead chapel for the Four Square community. All instruments and singers welcome.



Spanish 1
taught by Sarah Luckey


Spanish 1 is taught with a conversational approach. The focus of the class is grammar, vocabulary, and relevant cultural study.



Health & Nutrition
taught by Mary Voogt


Students will learn basic health principles. They will also learn homesteading and life skills such as how to prepare fermented foods, gardening, canning and preserving foods, raising animals well, natural remedies, and more! Taught by a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Homesteader.


Israel: God’s Chosen People
taught by Dawn Wierenga


God reveals His faithfulness through the story of Israel. Students will trace Israel’s timeline from Abraham through the significance of the modern State of Israel. Includes Bible study discussion and Biblical feast experiences.


Economics & Personal Finance
taught by Josh Greer


Semester 1: Students will read Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money while exploring all
aspects of personal finance, including hands-on activities to learn budgeting and saving.

Semester 2: Students will read What Happened to Penny Candy to gain a Christian worldview on
economics, including a study of both micro- and macro-economics. Hands-on activities will help illustrate principles such as supply-and-demand, inflation, and international trade.



taught by Dawn Wierenga


Students will learn about and discuss apologetics. They will read the Bible, The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel, and Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis to gain confidence in defending their faith.


taught by Chriss Pruim


This fitness class will increase strength, improve stamina, and target cardio training.


Introduction to Graphic Design
taught by Lisa Delnay


Learn the basics of graphic design from a professional. Students will need a laptop and Canva Pro. Each class will include instruction, Q&A, and active design time. Students will create their own digital design portfolio.


Constitution & American Government
taught by Josh Greer


Students will learn and discuss the importance of the Constitution in the formation of American Government and how it is still relevant today. Preparing students to be knowledgable, engaged citizens.


taught by Leisa Gustafson


*Prerequisite: ASL I or equivalent. Students will build on their knowledge of ASL and increase their understanding of hearing losses, Deaf culture, and occupations for interpreters for the Deaf. Students will be adept at translating Bible stories by year’s end.


taught by Sarah Luckey


Students will engage with great poetry, art, composers, hymns, and explore God’s creation through nature study. Weekly class activities will vary between things such as picture study, discussion, outdoor adventures (hiking, foraging, etc), nature journaling and more. Students will be inspired to engage with the natural world around them and to live a full life. “We all have need to be trained to see, and to have our eyes opened before we can take in the joy that is meant for us in this beautiful life.” -Charlotte Mason



Geography & Current Events
taught by Dawn Wierenga


What’s going on in the world? Students will research and discuss specific current events, including learning about the geography of the location. Class concludes with prayer. Example: Research and discuss conflict between Russia and Ukraine, draw a map of the region, pray for the people of Russia and Ukraine.


Life & Career Prep
taught by Josh Greer


Learn the basics to prepare for adult life and responsibilities. Lessons will include creating a resume, preparing for a job interview, changing a tire, checking oil on a car, comparison shopping, leadership, citizenship, community service, etiquette, and more! *This class is aimed at preparing 16+ for adulthood.


Communication Arts
taught by Sarah Luckey


Students will learn about the value of communication in relationships and life. A variety of engaging class experiences will include: improv games, job interview skills, writing speeches, research & debate, conflict resolution, presentations, and more. 



taught by Rebecca Maloley


Students will go through the theater process including auditioning for a role, memorizing lines and participating in a spring performance. The Four Square Theater Company has additional opportunities for students to apprentice in stage makeup and costume design. *We ask parents to volunteer. Contact us for more info. 


taught by David Gruber


Students will learn a wide range of skills with corresponding hands-on learning experiences. Taught by a retired builder. Examples of lessons include HVAC, basic plumbing, small engine, etc. This class meets from 11-12:15pm. 

*Four Square is also offering Woodshop & Electric on Wednesdays from 12:30-2pm. Click HERE for more information. 


taught by Leisa Gustafson


Students will gain an understanding of ASL, its vocabulary, grammar, Christian heritage, physiology, and culture. Students will be required to give their personal testimony in ASL by year’s end.



Art Studio
taught by Christina Stephenson


Students will engage with a variety of medium including illustration, clay, acrylic, watercolor, drawing, and handicrafts. Includes an artist study per term.


taught by David Gruber


Students will learn carpentry basics, help build the set for the play, and build a small project such as a chair or table. Students will have an opportunity to serve on the stage crew for the spring play.

*Four Square is also offering Woodshop & Electric on Wednesdays from 12:30-2pm. Click HERE for more information.


Spanish 2
taught by Sarah Luckey


*Prerequisite: Spanish 1 or equivalent. Students will build on their knowledge of Spanish taught with a conversational approach. The focus of the class is grammar, vocabulary, and relevant cultural study.


Home Economics
taught by Kristen Cnossen


Students will learn a wide range of skills with corresponding hands-on learning experiences. Examples of lessons include cooking, baking, hand-sewing, knitting, cake-decorating, quilting, and more!


Christian Intro to Psychology
taught by Laura Marsman


This course will introduce students to an overview of the many concepts involved in psychology from a Christian perspective. This is a course that not only gives students life preparation skills and self-awareness, but also an awe of God’s creation of the human brain and mind.

*Prerequisite: Students must have completed Biology.


Supply List

The supply list includes links to suggested literature and supplies. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra expense to you. The HSB, Inc. is our recommended resource for new/used literature.


The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel
Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis

Pink Pearl Eraser
Glue Stick
Regular Black Sharpie
Fine Tip Sharpie
Basic Colored Pencil Set
Basic Watercolor Set
Basic Oil Pastel Set
Basic Drawing Pencils 6B or 8B and 2H or 4H

A Basic Course in American Sign Language student text by Paden, O’Rourke, Humphries
2-3 inch binder
4 tabbed dividers
28 dividers numbered 1–28

A Basic Course in American Sign Language student text, by Paden, O’Rourke, Humphries
Intermediate Conversational Sign Languageby Willard Madson
Deaf Heritage: A Student Text and Workbookby Jack R. Gannon
A 2- to 3-inch binder
4-5 tabbed dividers

Safety Glasses
Tape Measure
Half-Inch Chisel

The Summer of 1787, by David O. Stewart

The Road to Serfdom, F.A. Hayek

The Complete Guide to Moneyby Dave Ramsey
Whatever Happened to Penny Candyby Richard Maybury (7th Edition ISBN: 9780942617641)

Commonplace Book (hardcover, lined for clear penmanship)
Nature Journal (spiral or hardcover with watercolor paper)

Beach Towel or Floor Mat
5-10 lb dumbbell set (personal preference)

Watercolor Paper
Thin Sharpie
Basic Watercolor Paints

Safety Glasses
Tape Measure
Half-Inch Chisel

6 Wide Mouth Pint Mason Jars
6 Mason Jar Lids and Bands
Basic Notebook 

Notebook and Pen
Size 7 Knitting Needles 
Cotton Yarn in Color of Choice 3-4 Yards Assorted 100% Cotton Fabrics (*wait to buy until directions are given in class)
Tupperware Container (*for bringing home food leftovers second semester only)

Graphic Design for Everyone, by Cath Cadwell
Laptop with Windows or Mac OS (installed)
Kent or Herrick District Library Card
Digital Camera or Phone Camera
Drawing Notepad
Colored Pencils
Pencil and Eraser

Contact instructor with questions: Ldelnay@gmail.com


Binder and Tab Dividers

High School Enrichment Calendar 2024-2025

Open House
August 19 @10-11am

September 9, 16, 23, 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18, 25

January 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
April 14, 21

*Snow Make-Up Dates (only if needed) – December 2 + April 28

Barn Dance, Hayride & Bonfire
September 27 @6-9:30pm

High School Spanish & ASL Extra Classes
December 2 + April 28

Fowling Event
December 9 @3-5pm

High School Play
March 28 @6pm

High School Formal
May 8 @5pm

High School Graduation Ceremony
May 9 @7pm



Wednesday Academic

The enrollment rate of $275/class includes 24 weeks of 1 hour classes. The enrollment rate of $400/class for Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics includes 26 weeks of 1.5 hour lab classes. 


American Literature
taught by Ivanna Parker


Literature discussion of The King’s Fifth, by Scott O’Dell, Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott, and The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway. Includes corresponding poet study and recitation. 


British Literature
taught by Suzanne Erdmann


Literature discussion of Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens, and The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis. Includes corresponding poet study and recitation. 


Modern World Literature (10th-12th)
taught by Sarah Luckey


Literature discussion of Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes, Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Night, by Elie Wiesel, and Russian short stories. Includes a corresponding poet study and recitation.


Classic Literature (10th-12th)
taught by Josh Greer


Literature discussion of The Odyssey: The Adventures of Ulysses, by Homer, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by William Shakespeare, Selections from the World’s Greatest Short Stories, Plutarch’s Lives, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne. Includes corresponding poet study and recitation.



Auto Shop
taught by David Gruber


Students will have instruction and hands-on automotive experience in the areas of diagnosing and troubleshooting, learning to change bulbs, oil changes, brake jobs, and general maintenance.



American History
taught by Matt Troast


An overview and discussion of American History from the explorers through the mid-twentieth century. 


Modern World History
taught by Dawn Wierenga


An overview and discussion of Modern World History from the Renaissance through today. 
Exploring World History: Part 2, by Ray Notgrass


Creative Writing
taught by Josh Greer


Students will join a community of creative writers to learn and practice both fiction and non-fiction narrative writing, as well as study creative techniques used by well-known writers. 


Writing Composition (10th-12th)
taught by Sarah Luckey


Students will be assigned a variety of writing projects including Essays, Analytical Writing (Pilgrim’s Progress), a Cover Letter, a Business Plan, Creative Writing, and Research Writing. 

Prerequisite: Grammar & Composition or equivalent



Grammar & Composition
taught by Suzanne Erdmann


Students will have comprehensive grammar lessons and weekly written narration assignments.


Research Writing (10th-12th)
taught by Josh Greer


Students will study research papers and learn proper formatting to apply to their own research writing.

Prerequisite: Grammar & Composition or equivalent


Ancient World History
taught by Sarah Luckey


An overview and discussion of Ancient World History from Creation through the Middle Ages. 
Exploring World History: Part 1, by Ray Notgrass


New Testament History
taught by Pastor Aaron Meares


A chronological survey of the New Testament in its broader historical and cultural context. Students will gain a working knowledge and timeline of the significant persons, places, events, and institutions of the New Testament and their relationship with the persons, places, events, and institutions of ancient Greco-Roman history.



Physics (10th-12th)
taught by Kristen Cnossen


Discovering Design with Physics, by Dr. Jay Wile

Prerequisites: Algebra 1 & Geometry


Lunch 12-12:30pm


Anatomy & Physiology
taught by Cristi Lin


Wonders of the Human Body 1by Dr. Tommy Mitchell
Wonders of the Human Body 2, by Dr. Tommy Mitchell


taught by Laura Marsman


Discovering Design with Biology, by Dr. Jay L. Wile


Chemistry (10th-12th)
taught by Kristen Cnossen


Discovering Design with Chemistry, by Dr. Jay Wile 

Prerequisite: Algebra 1


Woodshop & Electric
taught by David Gruber


Introduction to residential electric, basic plumbing, heating & cooling, and blueprint reading. Introduction to woodshop including tools, cabinetry, joints, assembly, etc. Students will learn skills and build projects. 


Earth Science
taught by Sarah Luckey


Supply List

The supply list includes links to suggested literature and supplies. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases at no extra expense to you. The HSB, Inc. is our recommended resource for new/used literature.

Anatomy & Physiology

Wonders of the Human Body Volume 1, by Dr. Tommy Mitchell
Wonders of the Human Body Volume 2, by Dr. Tommy Mitchell
Watercolor Journal
Travel Watercolor Set
3X5 Notecards (for vocabulary words)
Notecard Organizer (for vocabulary words)

Discovering Design with Biology, by Dr. Jay L. Wile
Lab Notebook (composition notebook used solely for lab experiments)
Lined notebook and folder (for taking notes and keeping assignments organized)
Black Pen, Pencil with Eraser

Discovering Design with Chemistry, by Dr. Jay Wile
Answer Key and Tests for Discovering Design with Chemistry
Lab Notebook (composition notebook used solely for lab experiments)
Lined notebook and folder (for taking notes and keeping assignments organized)
Black Pen, Pencil with Eraser
Lab Goggles
Scientific Calculator (does not need to be graphing)

Discovering Design with Earth Science, by Dr. Jay L. Wile
Lab Notebook (composition notebook used solely for lab experiments)
Lined notebook and folder (for taking notes and keeping assignments organized)
Black Pen, Pencil with Eraser

Discovering Design with Physics, by Dr. Jay Wile
Lab Notebook (composition notebook used solely for lab experiments)
Lined notebook and folder (for taking notes and keeping assignments organized)
Black Pen, Pencil with Eraser
Scientific Calculator (does not need to be graphing)

Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan (Alan Vermilye edition)


The Art of Composition, Year 1, by Simply Charlotte Mason
Spelling Wisdom, Book Four, by Simply Charlotte Mason
Write Right!, by Jan Venolia
Commonplace Book (hardcover lined journal)
3-inch binder with 5 tabs


The Giver, by Lois Lowry
Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (unabridged)
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott (unabridged)
The Old Man and the Sea, by Ernest Hemingway (unabridged)
Commonplace Book (hardcover, lined notebook)

Commonplace Book (hardcover, lined notebook)
Much Ado About Nothing
, by William Shakespeare (unabridged)
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen (unabridged)
Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens (unabridged)
The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis (unabridged) 
A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens
3-inch binder with 5 tabs

*Note the required translation below. 
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, by Shakespeare (complete and unabridged)
Beowulf, translated by Seamus Heaney
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne (translated by William Butcher)
The Odyssey, by Homer (Robert Fagles translation)

Commonplace Book (hardcover, lined notebook)
Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes (translated by Walter Starkie) 
Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe
The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom
Night, by Elie Wiesel 

Safety Glasses
Tape Measure

HIGH SCHOOL Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Open House
August 19 @10-11am

September 11, 18, 25
October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
November 6, 13, 20
December 4

January 22, 29
February 5, 12, 19
March 5, 12, 19, 26
April 2, 16, 23

*Snow Make-Up Dates (only if needed) – December 11 + April 30

Barn Dance, Hayride & Bonfire
September 27 @6-9pm

Fowling Event
December 9 @3-5pm

High School Science Extra Classes
December 11 + May 7

High School Formal
May 8 @5pm

High School Graduation Ceremony
May 9 @7pm