This living book list includes recommendations for the family. Some books contain sensitive content and are not appropriate for all ages. Parental guidance recommended. Some books are vintage with original language, including terms that are not respectful or appropriate today. Four Square condemns any words used to describe people or people groups that undermine their value as created equally in the image of God.
Ancient World
A Child’s History of the World, by V.M. Hillyer
Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors, by Lorene Lambert
How the Bible Came to Us, by Meryl Doney
First Civilizations (Babylon/Assyria)
Answers Book for Kids, Volumes 1 & 2, by Ken Ham
Babylonia and Assyria, by Mohr-Washburn
Creation, by Cynthia Rylant
Dry Bones and Other Fossils, by Gary Parker
God King, by Joanne Williamson
Hiding Baby Moses, by Judith L. Roth
It Couldn’t Just Happen: Knowing the Truth About God’s Creation, by Lawrence O. Richards
Life in the Great Ice Age, by Michael J. Oard
Pages of History: Secrets of the Ancients, by Etter and Detweiler
The Golden Bull, by Marjorie Cowley
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Series
The Riot and the Dance Adventure Book, by Dr. Gordon Wilson
The Tower of Babel, by Martha Jander
The True Story of Noah’s Ark, by Tom Dooley
Ancient Egypt
A Cry from Egypt, by Hope Auer
A Stand at Sinai, by Hope Auer
Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors, by Lorene Lambert
Ancient Egypt: A Guide to Egypt in the Time of the Pharaohs, by Sally Tagholm
Bill & Pete Go Down the Nile, by Tomis dePaola
Boy of the Pyramids, by Ruth Fosdick Jones
Cleopatra, by Diane Stanley
Mara, Daughter of the Nile, by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Mummies, Pyramids, and Pharaohs, by Gail Gibbons
On the Shores of the Great Sea, by M.B. Synge, E.M. Synge
Pepi and the Secret Names, by Jill Paton Walsh
Pharaoh’s Boat, by David Weitzman
Pyramid, by David Macaulay
The Cat of Bubastes, by G.A. Henty
Temple Cat, by Andrew Clements
The Egyptian Cinderella, by Shirley Climo, Ruth Heller
The Golden Bull, by Marjorie Cowley
The Golden Goblet, by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
The Great Pyramid, by Elizabeth Mann
The Little Hippo, by Geraldine Elschner
The Pharoah’s of Ancient Egypt, by Elizabeth Payne
The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone, by James Cross Giblin
The 5,000-Year-Old-Puzzle: Solving a Mystery of Ancient Egypt, by Claudia Logan, Melissa Sweet
We’re Sailing Down the Nile, by Laurie Krebs
Ancient Israel
Adara, by Beatrice Gormley
Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple, 3rd Edition, by Hershel Shanks
Ancient Israelites and Their Neighbors: An Activity Guide (Cultures of the Ancient World), Marian Broida
Ancient Civilizations: A Captivating Guide to the Ancient Canaanites, Hittites and Ancient Israel and Their Role in Biblical History, by Captivating History
God King, by Joanne Williamson
Hittite Warrior, by Joanne Williamson
Israel (Let’s Go Explore), by Zondervan
Joel…. a boy of Galilee, by Annie Fellows Johnson
The Bronze Bow, by Elizabeth George Speare
The Donkey Who Carried a King, by R.C. Sproul
The Golden Goblet, by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls Series, by M.J. Thomas
The World’s Story Volume 1: The Ancient World, by Phillip Campbell
Welcome to Israel!, by Behrman House
Ancient China
Ancient China: An Interactive History Adventure, by Terry Lee Collins and Hanchau Lu PhD
Ancient China’s Inventions, Technology and Engineering – Ancient History Book for Kids, by Professor Beaver
Confucius: The Golden Rule, by Russell Freedman and Frederic Clement
DK Eyewitness Books: Ancient China, by Arthur Cotterell
If You Were Me and Lived in…Ancient China, by Carole P. Roman and Mateya Arakova
Kubla Khan; Emperor of Everything, by Kathleen Krull and Robert Byrd
Little Pear, by Eleanor Frances Lattimore
More about Little Pear, by Eleanor Frances Lattimore
Missionary biographies of Eric Liddell and Gladys Alward
One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale, by Demi
Science in Ancient China, by George Beshore
See Through History: Ancient China, by Brian Williams
Silk Route, by John S. Major
The Ch’I-Lin Purse: A Collection of Ancient Chinese Stories, by Linda Fang and Jeanne M. Lee
The House of Sixty Fathers, by Meindert De Jong
The Legend of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu, Demi
The Long Rampart: The Story of the Great Wall of China, by Robert Silverberg
The Silk Road, by Baby Professor
Trade and Commerce in Ancient China: The Grand Canal and
Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Ronald Latham
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, by Grace Lin
Ancient India
Amy Carmichael: Women of Faith series, by Kathleen White
Everyday Life in Ancient India, by Kirsten Holm
India (Blastoff! Readers: Exploring Countries), by Jim Bartell
India the Culture, by Bobbie Kalman
India the People, by Bobbie Kalman
National Geographic Investigates: Ancient India: Archaeology Unlocks the Secrets of India’s Past, by Anita Dalal
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, by Rudyard Kipling
The Elephant’s Friend and Other Tales from Ancient India, by Marcia Williams
Ancient Africa
Africa Amazing Africa: Country by Country, by Atinuke
Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti, by Gerald McDermott
Ashanti to Zulu: African Traditions, by Margaret Musgrove
Beat the Story Drum, Pum Pum, by Ashley Bryan
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, by Verna Aardema
Christian Heroes, Then & Now: David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer, by Janet & Geoff Benge
Travels in West Africa, by Mary Kingsley
Aztec, Inca, Maya
Aztec Warriors (Torque Books: History’s Greatest Warriors), by Marc Clint
Growing Up in Aztec Times, by Marion Wood
Hands-On History! Aztec & Maya, by Fiona Macdonald
History for Kids: The Maya, the Inca, and the Aztec, by Charles River Editors
Incans, Aztecs, Mayans, by John Holzmann
In the Mayan Civilization (How’d They Do That?), by Elizabeth Scholl
The Aztec Empire, by Imogen Greenberg
The Sad Night: The Story of an Aztec Victory and a Spanish Loss, by Sally Schofer Mathews
Ancient Greece
Aesop’s Fables, illustrated by Milo Winter
Alexander the Great, by Jane Bingham
Alexander the Great, by Demi
Ancient Greece for Kids, by Oldrich Kuzicka
Archimedes and the Door of Science, by Jeanne Bendick
D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, by Ingri d’Aulaire
Echo, Echo: Reverso Poems about Greek Myths, by Marilyn Singer
Famous Men of Greece, by John H. Haaren
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine, by Jeanne Bendick
Game On in Ancient Greece, by Linda Bailey
Glaucia the Greek Slave, by Emma Leslie
Greek Lives, by Plutarch
Herodotus and the Road to History, by Jeanne Bendick
If you Were Me and Lived in Ancient Greece, by Carole P. Roman
Illustrated Stories from Aesop, by Usborne
King Midas and the Golden Touch, by Charlotte Craft
Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago, by Julia Cowles
Our Little Spartan Cousin of Long Ago, by Julia Cowles
Plutarch’s Lives
Plutarch’s Lives for Boys and Girls, adapted by W.H. Weston
Pythagoras and the Ratios: A Math Adventure, by Julie Ellis
The Iliad and the Odyssey, by Marcia Williams
The Iliad and the Odyssey for Boys and Girls, by Alfred J. Church
The Children’s Plutarch: Tales of the Greeks, by F.J. Gould
The First Marathon: The Legend of Pheidippides, by Susan Reynolds
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, by Kathryn Lasky
The Parthenon: The Height of Greek Civilization, by Elizabeth Mann
The Aesop for Children, by Milo Winter
The Children’s Homer: The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy, by Padraic Colum
The Story of the Greeks, by Helene A. Guerber
The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War, by Emily Little
The Trojan War, by Olivia Coolidge
Victory on the Walls: A Story of Nehemiah, by Frieda Clark Hyman
What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras?, by Julie Ellis
Who was Alexander the Great?, by Kathryn & Robyn Waterfield
Ancient Rome
Augustus Caesar’s World, by Genevieve Foster
City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction, by David Macaulay
Eat Your Peas, Julius! by Shirin Tim Bridges
Famous Men of Rome, by John H. Haaren
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine, by Jeanne Benedict
The Eagle of the Ninth, by Rosemary Sutcliff
Detectives in Togas, by Henry Winterfeld
Julius Caesar and Ancient Rome in World History, by James Barter
Mystery of the Roman Ransom, by Henry Winterfeld
Octavia and the Cats of Rome, by Claudia Cerulli
Peril and Peace: Chronicles of the Ancient Church, by Mindy Withrow
Plutarch’s Lives
Plutarch’s Lives for Boys and Girls, adapted by W.H. Weston
Saint Valentine, by Robert Sabuda
Stories from the History of Rome, by Mrs. Beesly
The Boy Who Would Be King, by Ryan Holiday
The Bronze Bow, by Elizabeth George Speare
The Children’s Plutarch: Tales of the Romans, by F.J. Gould
The Silver Branch, by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Lantern Bearers, by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Roman Fort, by Peter Connolly
The Story of the Romans, by H. A. Guerber
Twice Freed, by Patricia St. John
Vinegar Boy, by Alberta Hawse
Who was Julius Caesar, by Nico Medina
Young Readers Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, by Adam McKeown
You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Roman Gladiator!, by John Malam and David Antram
Middle Ages
A Castle with Many Rooms: The Story of the Middle Ages, by Lorene Lambert
Adam of the Road, by Elizabeth Jane Gray
A Lion to Guard Us, by Clyde Robert Bulla
A Medieval Feast, by Aliki
A Single Shard, by Linda Sue Park
Castle, by David Macaulay
Cathedral, by David Macaulay
Crispin: The Cross of Lead, by Avi
Crusades: Kids at the Crossroads, by Laura Scandiffio
Fairy Tales and Fables, by Gyo Fukikawa
Famous Figures of the Middle Ages & Renaissance, by Cathy Diez-Luckie
Famous Men of the Middle Ages, by John H. Haaren and A. B. Poland
Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus, by Peter Sis
Fleas, Flies, and Friars: Children’s Poetry from the Middle Ages, by Nicholas Orme
Ghengis Khan, by Li Jian
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies!: Voices From a Medieval Village, by Laura Amy Schlitz
He Went With Marco Polo, by Louise Andrews Kent
I, Juan de Pareja, by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
In a Small Kingdom, by Tomie dePaola
Joan of Arc, by Diane Stanley
Johann Gutenberg and the Amazing Printing Press, by Bruce Koscielniak
Leif the Lucky, by d’Aulaire
Little Sir Galahad, by Lillian Holmes
Living in a Castle, by R.J. Unstead
Living in a Medieval City, by R.J. Unstead
Living in a Medieval Village, by R.J. Unstead
Mansa Musa and the Empire of Mali, by P. James Oliver
Marco Polo, by Demi
Marguerite Makes a Book, by Bruce Robertson
Once Upon a Time in Persia, by Sahar Doustar
Rupert’s Parchment: Story of Magna Carta, by Eileen Cameron
Saints and Heroes: One, by George Hodges
Saints and Heroes: Two, by George Hodges
Sir Malcom and the Missing Prince, by Sidney Baldwin
The Apple and the Arrow, by Conrad Buff
The Adventures of Robin Hood, by Marcia Williams
The Bible Smuggler, by Louise A. Vernon
The Book of the Middle Ages, by Dorothy Mills
The Boy Knight: A Tale of the Crusades, by G.A. Henty
The Boy Who Walked to Jerusalem: The True Story of the First Crusade, by John S. Morrow
The Black Arrow, by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Door in the Wall, by Marguerite de Angeli
The Girl and the Cathedral: The Story of Notre Dame, by Nicolas Jeter
The Great and Terrible Quest, by Margaret Lovett
The Hawk of the Castle: A Story of Medieval Falconry, by Danna Smith
The Ink Garden of Brother Theopane, by C.M. Millen
The King’s Fifth, by Scott O’Dell
The Kitchen Knight: A Tale of King Arthur, by Margaret Hodges
The Knight and the Dragon, by Tomie dePaola
The Magna Charta, by James Daugherty
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, by Howard Pyle
The Middle Ages, by Dorothy Mills
The Minstrel in the Tower (Stepping Stones), by Gloria Skurzynski
The Nativity, by Geraldine Elschner
The Second Mrs. Gioconda, by E.L. Konigsburg
The Silk Route: 7,000 Miles of History, by John S. Major
The Story of Europe, by H.E. Marshall
The Story of the Middle Ages, by Christine Miller (revised/expanded by H.A. Guerber)
The Sword in the Tree, by Clyde Robert Bulla
The Trumpeter of Krakow, by Eric P. Kelly
Therese Makes a Tapestry, by Alexandria S.D. Hinrichs
The White Dove, by Christoph von Schmid
Traveling Man: The Journey of Ibn Battuta, by James Mumford
Trial and Triumph: Stories from Church History, by Richard M. Hannula
Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare, by Diane Stanley and Peter Vennema
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare, by Edith Nesbit
Good Queen Bess: The Story of Elizabeth I of England, by Diane Stanley
Famous Figures of the Middle Ages & Renaissance, by Cathy Diez-Luckie
Famous Men of the Renaissance & Reformation, by Robert G. Shearer
How the Bible Came to Us, by Meryl Doney
Johannes Vermeer, by Mike Venezia
Leonardo da Vinci, by Emily Hahn
Leonardo da Vinci, by Mike Venezia
Leonardo da Vinci, by Diane Stanley
Michelangelo, by Diane Stanley
Pippo the Fool, by Tracey E. Fern Renaissance and Reformation Times, by Dorothy Mills
Sir Walter Ralegh and the Quest for El Dorado, by Marc Aronson
Starry Messenger: Galileo Galilei, by Peter Sis
Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles and Mary Lamb
The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day, by Scott O’Dell
The Queen’s Progress: An Elizabethan Alphabet, by Celeste Davidson Mannis
The World of Columbus and Sons, by Genevieve Foster
William Shakespeare & the Globe, by Aliki
Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World, by Paul L. Maier
Modern World
A Child’s History of the World, by V.M Hillyer
An Arctic Story: The Animals of the Frozen North, by Jane Burnard
Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne
Amelia to Zora: 26 Women Who Changed the World, by Cynthia Chin-Lee
Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey Around the World, by Maya Amjera & Anna Rhesa Versola
Christian Heroes: Then and Now Series, by Janet and Geoff Benge
Hearts and Hands: Chronicles of the Awakening Church, by Mindy and Brandon Withrow
Hero Tales Volume I, by Dave and Neta Jackson
Hero Tales Volume II, by Dave and Neta Jackson
Heroes in History Series, by Janet and Geoff Benge
If You Lived Here: Houses of the World, by Giles Laroche
If You Were Me and Lived In… Series, by Carole P. Roman
Let’s Eat: What Children Eat Around the World, by Beatrice Hollyer
North: The Amazing Story of Arctic Migration, by Nick Dowson
P is for Passport: A World Alphabet, by Devin Scillian
Stories of the Nations, Volume 2, by Simply Charlotte Mason
The World of William Penn, by Genevieve Foster
To Be a Kid, by Maya Ajmera & John D. Ivanko
What We Wear: Dressing Up Around the World, by Maya Ajmera & John D. Ivanko
You and Me Together: Moms, Dads, and Kids Around the World, by Barbara Kerley
Window on the World, by Molly Wall
African Critters, by Robert B. Haas
Africa is Not a Country, by Margy Burns Knight
African Princess: The Amazing Lives of Africa’s Royal Women, by Joyce Hansen
Amos Fortune, Free Man, by Elizabeth Yates
Anna Hibiscus Series, by Atinuke
At the Crossroads, by Rachel Isadora
Baby Goes to Market, by Atinuke
Beatrice’s Goat, by Page McBrier
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain, by Verna Aardema
Bulu: African Wonder Dog, by Dick Houston
Circle Unbroken, by Margot Theis Raven
David Livingstone, by Geoff and Janet Benge
Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, by Laurie Ann Thompson
Fire on the Mountain, by Jane Kurtz
For You Are a Kenyan Child, by Kelly Cunnane
I See the Sun in Botswana, by Dedie King
Listening for Lions, by Gloria Whelan
Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, by Chris van Wyk
Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales, by Nelson Mandela
Mama Panyas Pancakes, by Mary and Rich Chamberlin
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters, by John Steptoe
My Painted House, My Friendly Chicken, and Me, by Maya Angelou
My Rolls and Piles of Coins, by Tololwa Mollel
Planting the Trees of Kenya, by Claire Nivola
Seeds of Change: Wangari’s Gift to the World, by Jen Cullerton Johnson
Shaka: King of the Zulus, by Diane Stanley
Star of Light, by Patricia St. John
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, by William Kamkwamba & Bryan Mealer
The Kidnapped Prince: The Life of Olaudah Equine, by Ann Cameron
The Middle Passage: White Ships / Black Cargo, by Tom Feelings
The Red Pencil, by Andrea Davis Pinkney
The Storyteller’s Beads, by Jane Kurtz
The Women Who Caught The Babies: A Story of African American Midwives, by Eloise
We All Went on Safari, by Laurie Krebs
Where are you going Manyoni?, by Catherine Stock
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears, by Verna Aardema
Year of No Rain, by Alice Mead
A Grain of Rice, by Helena Clare Pittman
Anno’s China, by Mitsumasa Anno
A Single Shard, by Linda Sue Park
Brother’s Keeper, by Julie Lee (Korea)
Crouching Tiger, by Ying Chang Compestine
Crow Boy, by Taro Yashima
Grandfather’s Journey, by Allen Say
Heart of a Samurai, by Margi Preuse
Hush! A Thai Lullaby, by Minfong Ho
Inside Out and Back Again, by Thanhha Lai (Vietnam)
See Saw Girl, by Linda Sue Park (Korea)
Chu Ju’s House, by Gloria Whelan
Crow Boy, by Taro Yahima
Gandhi, by Demi
Gladys Aylward: The Adventure of a Lifetime, by Janet and Geoff Benge
Grandfather’s Journey, by Allen Say
Grass Sandals: The Travels of Basho, by Dawnine Spivak
Hana’s Suitcase: A True Story, by Karen Levine
Heart of a Samurai, by Margi Preus
Imprisoned in the Golden City, by Dave and Neta Jackson
Little Pear, by Eleanor Frances Lattimore
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain, by Arnold Lobel
Once a Mouse… by Marcia Brown
Ruby’s Wish, by Shirin Aim
Seesaw Girl, by Linda Sue Park
Sparrow Girl, by Sara Pennypacker
Starry River of the Sky, by Grace Lin
The Big Wave, by Pearl S. Buck
The Boy of the Three-Year Nap, by Dianne Snyder
The Emperor and the Kite, by Jane Yolen
The Empty Pot, by Demi
The Firekeeper’s Son, by Linda Sue Park
The Funny Little Woman, by Arlene Mosel & Blair Lent
The House of Sixty Fathers, by Meindert DeJong
The Kite Fighters, by Linda Sue Park
The Korean Cinderella, by Shirley Climo
The Lotus Seed, by Sherry Garland
The Map of Salt and Stars, by Zeyn Joukhadar
The Peace Tree from Hiroshima: The Little Bonsai with a Big Story, by Sandra Moore
and Kazumi Wilds
The Paper Crane, by Molly Bang
The Story About Ping, by Marjorie Flack
The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, by Katherine Paterson
The Teenage Diary of Jahanara, by Subhadra Sen Gupta
To the Top: Climbing the World’s Tallest Mountain, by S.A. Kramer
Tsunami!, by Kimiko Kajikawa
Two of Everything, by Lily Toy Hong
Water Buffalo Days: Growing Up in Vietnam, by Quang Nhuong Huynh
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, by Grace Lin
Year of Impossible Good-byes, by Sook Nyul Choi
Young Fu of Upper Yangtze, by Elizabeth Foreman Lewis
A Taste of Freedom: Gandhi and the Great Salt March, by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
Boys without Names, by Kashmira Sheth
Gandhi, by Demi
Grandfather Gandhi, by Arun Gandhi & Bethany Hegedus
Homeless Bird, by Gloria Whelan
Indian Tales, by Shenaaz Nanji
I is for India, by Prodeepta Das
Monsoon, by Uma Krishnaswami
Mother Teresa, by Demi
Rickshaw Girl, by Mitali Perkins (Bangladesh)
Same, Same but Different, by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw
The Conch Bearer, by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
The Night Diary, by Veera Hiranandani
The Story of Little Babaji, by Helen Bannerman
The Teenage Diary of Jahanara, by Subhadra Sen Gupta
Tiger Boy, by Metali Perkins
Audrey of the Outback, by Christine Harris
Big Rain Coming, by Katrina Germein
Bright Star, by Gary Crew
Diary of a Wombat, by Jackie French
Hitler’s Daughter, by Jackie French
Jodie’s Journey, by Colin Thiele
Josephine Wants to Dance, by Jackie French
Koala Lou, by Mem Fox
Mirror, by Jeannie Baker
Nic Bishop: Marsupials, by Nic Bishop
No Ordinary Jacket, by Sue-Ellen Pashley
Seven Little Australians, by Ethel Turner
The Biggest Frog in Australia, by Susan L. Roth
This is Australia, by M. Sasek
The Silver Brumby, by Elyne Mitchell
Sun on the Stubble, by Colin Thiele
Tom Appleby, Convict Boy, by Jackie French
Where in the World, by Simon French
Yoshi and the Ocean, by Lindsay Moore
Adventures with Waffles, by Maria Parr
Anno’s Britain, by Mitsumasa Anno
Anno’s Denmark, by Mitsumasa Anno
Anno’s Italy, by Mitsumasa Anno
Anno’s Spain, by Mitsumasa Anno
A Ceiling Made of Eggshells, by Gail Carson Levine
A Day on Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic, by Hilda Van Stockum
A Lion to Guard Us, by Clyde Robert Bulla
A Little Princess, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Along Came Galileo, by Jeanne Bendick
A Murder for Her Majesty, by Beth Hilgartner
Angel on the Square, by Gloria Whelan
A Night Divided, by Jennifer A. Nielsen
A Picture Book of Florence Nightingale, by David A. Adler
A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens
A Walk in London, by Salvatore Rubbino
A Walk in Paris, by Salvatore Rubbino
Boxes for Katje, by Candace Fleming
Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift’s Chocolate Pilot, by Michael O. Tunnell
Clara: The (Mostly) True Story of the Rhinoceros... by Emily Arnold McCully
Florence Nightingale, by Lucy Lethbridge
George Handel, by Mike Venezia
God’s Smuggler, by Brother Andrew with John and Elizabeth Sherrill
Gustave Eiffel’s Spectacular Idea: The Eiffel Tower, by Sharon Katz Cooper
Flight for Freedom: The Wetzel Family’s Daring Escape from East Germany, by Kristen Fulton
Hana’s Suitcase – A True Story, by Karen Levine
Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates, by Mary Mapes Dodge
Heidi, by Johanna Spyri
I Am David, by Anne Holm
In Search of Honor, by Donnalynn Hess
King Louie’s Shoes, by D.J. Steinberg
Louis Braille, by Margaret Davidson
Madeline, by Ludwig Bemelmans
Master Cornhill, by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Nory Ryan’s Song, by Patricia Reilly Giff
Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry
Peter the Great, by Diane Stanley
Red Sails to Capri, by Ann Weil
Revolutionary Friends: General George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette, by Selene Castrovilla
Hold On to Your Music: The Inspiring True Story of the Children of Willesden Lane, by Emil Sher
Marie Curie, by Demi
Mozart: The Wonder Child, by Diane Stanley
Napoleon vs. the Bunnies, by J.F. Fox
On a Beam of Light: The Story of Albert Einstein, by Jennifer Berne
Shooting at the Stars: The Christmas Truce of 1914, by John Hendrix
Snow Treasure, by Marie McSwigan
The Blackbird Girls, by Anne Blankman
The Corgi and the Queen, by Caroline L. Perry
The Eagle Huntress: The True Story of the Girl Who Soared Beyond Expectations, by Aisholpan Nurgaiv
The Endless Steppe, by Esther Hautzig
The Family Under the Bridge, by Natalie Savage Carlson
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship: A Russian Tale, retold by Arthur Ransome
The Gate in the Wall, by Ellen Howard
The Good Master, by Kate Seredy
The Little Riders, by Margaretha Shemin
The Story of Ferdinand, by Munro Leaf
The Ocean of Truth: The Story of Sir Isaac Newton, by Joyce McPherson
The Railway Children, by E. Nesbit
The Singing Tree, by Kate Seredy
The Star of Kazan, by Eva Ibbotson
The Story of Modern France, by H.A. Guerber
The Story of Napolean, by H. E. Marshall
The Story of the Saxophone, by Lesa Cline-Ransome
The Winged Watchman, by Hilda Van Stockum
The Year of the Horseless Carriage, by Genevieve Foster
This is Edinburgh, by Sasek
This is Greece, by Sasek
This is Ireland, by Sasek
This is London, by Sasek
This is Munich, by Sasek
This is Paris, by Sasek
This is Rome, by Sasek
This is Venice, by Sasek
Treasures of the Snow, by Patricia St. John
Truce, by Jim Murphy
Twenty and Ten, by Claire Huchet Bishop
Under the Hawthorne Tree, by Marita Conlon-McKenna
War Horse, by Michael Morpurgo
Where in the World, by Simon French
Latin America
Abuela, by Arthur Dorros
Abuela’s Weave, by Omar S. Castaneda
A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar, by David A. Adler
Ada’s Violin: The Story of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay, by Susan Hood
Amazon River, by Sangma Francis
Armando and the Blue Tarp School, by Edith Hope Fine
Becoming Naomi Leon, by Pam Munoz Ryan
Biblioburro: A True Story from Columbia, by Jeanette Winter
Conejito: A Folktale from Panama, by Margaret Read MacDonald
Count Your Way Through Brazil, by James Haskins
Fernando’s Gift, by Douglas Keister
Feliz New Year, Ava Gabriela, by Alexandra Alessandri
Hill of Fire, by Thomas P. Lewis
Island Treasures: Growing Up in Cuba, by Alma Flor Ada
It’s a Jungle Out There!, by Ron Snell
Journey to the River Sea, by Eva Ibbotson
Little Rabbit: A Story of Simon Biolivar, by Rachel Smith
Martin de Porres: The Rose in the Desert, by Gary D. Schmidt
Moon Rope, by Lois Ehlert
My Diary From Here to There, by Amada Irma Perez
My Little Island, by Frane Lessac
My Name is Gabriela, by Monica Brown
My Name is Maria Isabel, by Alma Flor Ada
Secret of the Andes, by Ann Nolan Clark
Silver People, by Margarita Engle
The Case of the Vanishing Golden Frogs: A Scientific Mystery, by Sandra Markle
Papa and Me, by Arthur Dorros
Silver People, by Margarita Engle
The Caiman, by Maria Eugenia Manrique
The Composition, by Antonia Skarmeta
The Dancing Turtle: A Folk Tale from Brazil, by Pleasant DeSpain
The Legend of the Poinsettia, by Tomie dePaola
The Pied Piper of Peru, by Ann Tompert
The Tortilla Factory, by Gary Paulsen
The Umbrella, by Jan Brett
The Walls of Cartagena, by Julia Durango
Uncle Nacho’s Hat, by Harriet Rohmer
We Asked for Nothing: The Remarkable Journey of Cabeza de Vaca (Great Explorers),
by Stuart Waldman
Where the Flame Trees Bloom, by Alma Flor Ada
Middle East
Afghan Dreams: Young Voices of Afghanistan, by Michael Sullivan
Escape from Aleppo, by N.H. Senzai
Extra Credit, by Andrew Clements
Four Feet, Two Sandals, by Karen Lynn Williams & Khadra Mohammed
I am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai (Afghanistan)
Iqbal, by Francesco D’Adamo
Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Story from Afghanistan, by Jeanette Winter
Playing Atari with Saddam Hussein, by Jennifer Roy with Ali Fadhil
Sami and the Time of Troubles, by Florence Parry
Silent Music: A Story of Baghdad, by James Rumford
Snow in Jerusalem, by Deborah da Costa
The Breadwinner, by Deborah Ellis (Afghanistan)
The Map of Salt and Stars, by Zeyn Joukhadar